
-Addiction - Anxiety - Depression - Stress/Burnout - Holistic Wellness - Life Changes

-Illness - Trauma - Spirituality

Client Focus

We work in a variety of ways…


One-on-one treatment with people who are (17+):

  • Wanting to have a deeper understanding of who they are

  • Release thoughts and behaviors that are no longer serving you

  • Wanting support facing difficult decisions, curious about self-discovery, and ready for personal growth

  • Needing support to connect the gap between intellectual understanding and emotional feeling



2 or more people working with us to:

  • Communicate healthily and effectively

  • Romantic partners struggling to get out of the same issues

  • Navigating poly- or open relationships

  • Resolving difficult family conflicts

  • Working through chemical or behavioral addictions



We facilitate group process and psycho-educution groups for:

  • Addiction and compulsive behaviors

  • Parenting issues including and not limited to Autism

  • Men’s Group

  • Women’s Support Group

  • Workplace trauma and stress

  • Trauma processing


Individualized and Customized intensive workshop that will assist you and your cohort to dive deep into repeated obstacles and accelerate personal growth. We will help you dig in, express, regulate, and move forward. Some common issues addressed in intensives:

  • Addiction recovery

  • Motivational Interviewing

  • Parenting/Loving an Autistic

  • Navigating an Allistic world (Autistics Only)

  • Greif/Loss/Bereavement

  • Shame

  • Self-worth

  • Self-compassion

  • Perfectionism

  • Fear

  • Trauma

  • Trust

  • Vulnerability


Host Mikki, Josh, or Mikki & Josh at your next media, conference, training, or educational event. A few favorite topics spoken about are:

  • Chemical/Behavioral Addictions and Recovery

  • Bullying

  • Autism 101

  • Spirituality

  • Hypnosis and Mental Health

  • Attachment and Relational Dynamics

  • Kind Conflicts

  • Motivational Interviewing

  • Workplace Wellness

  • Compassionate Questioning